An illustration of Adi Slepack with curly brown hair and blue glasses. Drawn by Adi Slepack.

Adi Slepack

Lead game Designer & Graphic designer

Adi Slepack (she/her) is a game designer, entrepreneur, and graphic designer currently based in Brooklyn. By day, she works as a graphic designer for film and television.

An illustration of Liz Roche with short brown hair and rosy cheeks. Drawn by Adi Slepack.

Liz Roche

Game designer, developer, & community manager

Liz Roche (she/her) is a game designer born and raised in the Bronx. She joined Adi in the development and testing of Someone Has Died. Outside of the games industry, Liz is a passionate proponent for gender equity and reproductive rights.

An illustration of Ellie Black with short hair with orange ends and a septum ring. Drawn by Ellie Black.

Ellie Black

Game Designer & Concept Artist

Ellie Black (they/them) is a cartoonist, game designer, and video editor. They helped birth Someone Has Died with Adi in a game design class at Wesleyan. Ellie’s cartoons have appeared in Air Mail and The New Yorker. [Instagram]